Monday, July 31, 2017

American Psychiatric Association Hosted Annual Meeting in San Diego

A graduate of Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, psychiatrist Dr. Susan Turner operates a private practice in the Flatiron District in New York. To help her remain current in the field, Dr. Susan Turner maintains membership with the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

As an organization dedicated to helping others in the industry to work together and assist those dealing with mental illness, the APA also promotes education and research, represents the profession, and promotes the highest quality of care for those it serves. The APA regularly hosts meetings, conferences, and other special events so members can network, share ideas, and gain training.

One such event is its annual meeting, which has taken place each year for more than 150 years. Themed Prevention through Partnerships, the 2017 event occurred on May 20-24 at the San Diego Convention Center. Attendees had a chance to garner continuing medical education (CME) credit, visit with exhibitors, and participate in debates. The 2018 event is scheduled for May 5-9 in New York City.

Brain Activity During a Panic Attack

Panic Attacks on Stage Photo by  Victor Rodvang  on  Unsplash An alumnus of Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Susan Turne...