Thursday, May 25, 2017

Symptoms of Panic Disorder

Dr. Susan Turner

Dr. Susan Turner has practiced as a psychiatrist for more than 15 years. Now in private practice in New York City, Dr. Susan Turner developed integrated treatment plans for numerous patients who struggle with panic disorder.

Panic disorder is more than a tendency toward nervousness. It is a debilitating mental illness that causes sudden periods of intense fear that continue for minutes at the least. These periods, known as panic attacks, occur out of proportion with the presenting situation yet can cause the individual to fear for his or her life.

A patient experiencing a panic attack feels afraid and out of control. An overwhelming sense of doom can plague the mind, while the body goes through symptoms that can feel like a heart attack or other medical emergency. It is common for a panic attack to cause heart palpitations, chest pain, and trouble breathing. Some patients may feel weak or dizzy, and nausea is similarly common. In some cases, a patient may experience fever-like symptoms such as sweating or chills.

These severe and distressing symptoms leave the patient in fear of having another panic attack. This characteristic worry prompts patients to avoid places in which an attack has occurred or where they feel an attack may be likely. Although this can severely restrict a person's daily life and functioning, patients can improve significantly through treatment with psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of the two.

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Panic Attacks on Stage Photo by  Victor Rodvang  on  Unsplash An alumnus of Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Susan Turne...