Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Doctors Without Borders' Work in the Central African Republic

NNDC Joins APA Registry Efforts

Dr. Susan Turner

Experienced in her field, Dr. Susan Turner has served as a psychiatrist in a number of different settings, including academic and clinical roles. To continue her education in the field and network with other mental health professionals, Dr. Susan Turner maintains membership in the American Psychiatric Association (APA). 

In an effort to expand its Psychiatric Patient Registry Online (PsychPRO), nationwide mental health registry service, the APA recently welcomed the National Network of Depression Centers (NNDC) as a partner in the program. Through the partnership, the registry will be able to leverage the combined experience of NNDC’s network of 600 mental health professionals who serve at leading medical facilities nationwide.

The PyschPRO registry accomplishes two main goals. First, it gives mental health providers a platform that allows for easy collection and submission of quality data in compliance with new Medicare Access & CHIP Reauthorization Act guidelines, as well as information needed for recertification procedures. Secondly, it serves as a safe way for patients to communicate with their mental health providers about how their therapy is developing.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Doctors Without Borders Kept from Helping Suffering People in Syria

Dr. Susan Turner
Dr. Susan Turner, a psychiatrist with a private practice in New York, utilizes a holistic approach with her patients. When helping patients with their mental wellness, Dr. Susan Turner considers all aspects of a patient’s health and background. Aside from her professional roles, Dr. Turner enjoys going to the theatre, touring museums, and supporting charitable organizations such as Doctors Without Borders.

Doctors Without Borders, also known as Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), has been in operation since 1971. The organization believes that all people have the right to health care regardless of race, sex or nationality. As a neutral and impartial entity, MSF is uniquely able to gain access to people that need help the most.

MSF has a presence in more than 60 countries, where people have need of medical care following major disasters. After the 2014 abduction of staff members in Syria and widespread violence, MSF has had to reduce their operations in the war-torn country. Even though over 250,000 people have been killed and millions have extremely limited access to healthcare, the organization has been forced to withdraw from areas controlled by the Islamic State. Though operations have escalated in neighboring countries, a tremendous need still exists in the area.

Friday, April 7, 2017

MSF Immunizes in the Central African Republic

Dr. Susan Turner

Between 2005-2011, Dr. Susan Turner served as an associate medical director at the Columbia Psychiatric Associates in New York City. As the attending psychiatrist for the Columbia Presbyterian Day Treatment Program, she was responsible for outpatient care and psychopharmacology. Dr. Susan Turner donates to Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders.

Founded in Paris in 1971, MSF is now a global movement of 23 organizations that offers humanitarian medical assistance to people in need regardless of their race, color, or nationality. Vera Schmitz is a volunteer performing her eighth assignment for MSF in March of 2017 in the Central African Republic.

Vera and her team aim to vaccinate every child under five years old in the southern section of the country against eight common dangerous diseases. This target population consists of 40,000 children, and the vaccination process will include three separate injections for superior disease resistance.

There are many difficulties that the team must overcome. Many of the villages the team visits are in remote areas, and the terrain can be difficult to navigate. They must also develop a relationship with the respected members of the group, and they also do their best to enlist the help of locals to keep track of the immunization records (illiteracy is very common).

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Three Ways Therapy Animals Help Psychiatric Patients

Dr. Susan Turner

Dr. Susan Turner is an experienced New York-based psychiatrist with experience in both academic and hospital settings. In order to improve outcomes for her patients, Dr. Susan Turner has recently begun to incorporate service animals into her practice.

Animal lovers have understood the positive psychological impact of pets for generations. Science is finally catching up, and the last decade has seen an influx of studies on the therapeutic value of animals. A 2012 review of 69 studies confirms a long-held belief: animals make us feel better, especially when we are at our most vulnerable. Read on to learn about three benefits of therapy animals.

1. Therapy animals teach patients to trust other humans. Several studies have shown that simply having a dog present can encourage psychiatric patients to trust their doctor more, which has uniformly positive implications for patient outcomes.

2. Interaction with animals improves empathy and reduces aggression. This effect is especially pronounced in children, who respond the most dramatically to the presence of a friendly dog.

3. Animals help reduce stress, anxiety, and fear. In almost all circumstances, the presence of a calm therapy animal helps patients relax and feel calm. In many cases, petting or walking an animal can even have physical effects like reduced blood pressure and heart rate.

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Panic Attacks on Stage Photo by  Victor Rodvang  on  Unsplash An alumnus of Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, Dr. Susan Turne...